Top 5 PS4 Games

Top 5 PS4 Games

Sony’s PlayStation 4 has thousands of games available to play, ranging from quiet pensive experiences to action-packed epics. PlayStation 4 is one of the most popular gaming systems available and Sony has led the way with exclusive titles. We’ve highlighted a few of the best games to play on the PlayStation 4.

Death Stranding

The upcoming action game Death Stranding is going to be released on PlayStation 4 in November 2019. It is being developed by Kojima Productions, the new studio created by Hideo Kojima after separating from Konami in 2015. It will also be published for Windows by 505 Games and will be available on PS4.

Persona 5

The Persona 5 PS4 games are a new role-playing video game released in 2016. The story takes place in modern-day Tokyo and follows a teenage boy named Joker. He is falsely accused of a crime and placed on probation. His friends and classmates accuse him of being a thief and attempt to track him down. However, Joker escapes and saves the day! Read on to learn more about this game.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

Assassin’s Creed Valhallia is the latest installment in the acclaimed series, and it follows the formula of the previous two installments. However, it’s a lot more open-world-like than the original games, and players will likely spend a lot of time roaming the countryside on a Viking boat or riding on their trusty steed. You can download this game for free on the PlayStation or Xbox Store now.

Assassin’s Creed III: Ultimate Evil Edition

Assassin’s Creed III: The Ultimate Evil Edition for PS4 offers some improvements, and some new content. Designed by Ubisoft, this game is beautiful and has a rich story. It also has some interesting multiplayer elements, such as naval battles. As a result, the game will keep you busy for hours. However, it is not the best game in the series.


Overwatch is a 2016 team-based first-person shooter video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment. Players are divided into two teams, each consisting of six members. Players can choose from a large roster of characters with unique abilities. Each character has different skills, attributes, and moves. This game has become extremely popular and is available for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. If you are interested in playing Overwatch, then you’ve come to the right place.


The PlayStation 4 offers a range of different games, including popular battle royale titles like Fortnite. These games can have a large number of players and can be downloaded for free. Fortnite is a multiplayer game where you compete against other players for resources. You can participate in matches with other players or create your own. This game also features in-game purchases using a currency called V-Bucks. This currency is usually tied to pop culture and is how Fortnite makes money. Parents should disallow their kids from using their credit cards when playing PS4 games, as many younger gamers have accidentally run up bills by entering their credit card information into a game. Instead, younger gamers can note down the items they want before they purchase them, so that they can later purchase them.

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